Ready to align with the Human Design transits to call in the love you crave?

Now is the time to align with your Human Design chart and the cosmic forces at play!

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Here's what you get:

  • A pre-recorded video workshop
  • An in-depth look at what the Human Design transits really are, so you can flow with life's natural rhythms instead of struggling against them & more easily attract the love you crave
  • A step-by-step guide to find transits in your own Human Design chart, so you can see exactly how they're influencing you everyday
  • The unique meaning of your personal power transits, so you can uncover personal insights, clarity, and the rocket fuel for getting the love you crave--faster, easier, and in a way that feels fun
  • Practical techniques for using the Human Design transits to attract more love and romance in your life

Copyright 2025 Human Design Psychologist


770 Sycamore Ave., Ste. 122 #117, Vista, CA 92083