Are you tired of feeling stuck in your relationships? If you are trying to create the love and connection you want with other people and it’s just not working or you don’t seem to be getting anywhere, it is highly likely that you have some subconscious limiting beliefs about relationships that are getting in the way. And while it may not be totally your fault, you 100% have the control and power to fix it. When you’re ready to conquer any limiting beliefs that you have about relationships and love, the Dark Moon can be a powerful ally.

The Dark Moon Phase: The Best Time to Conquer Limiting Beliefs About Relationships and Love

The Dark Moon phase, or when the Moon is at the tail end of the Waning phase (28-29.5 days into the lunar cycle), can support you in going deep into yourself and reprogramming the programs running in the background of your life that don’t seem to be serving your highest purpose and potential. This applies to addressing any limiting beliefs you have about relationships and love as well. The Dark Moon phase can support you substantially in making radical internal shifts, to get you ready to manifest the heck out of your life for the rest of the current lunar cycle. The Dark Moon phase can support you when you’re ready to stop telling yourself a crappy story about who you are and what you deserve, so you can create the life you know you’re meant to have.

I used to tell myself a crappy story about what I deserved and who I was, especially in the area of relationships and love. The crazy part is that I didn’t even know I was doing this or how it was negatively affecting me. This programming was constantly running in the background of my life, a deeply entrenched part of my subconscious that I wasn’t even aware of.

Limiting Beliefs About Relationships as a Path to Your Purpose

Psychologists say that our limiting beliefs are developed in early childhood (before the age of 7) about who we are and what we’re capable of, from things our parents say or by how they conducted their lives. They often come from how their parents raised them. Very often, we carry limiting beliefs around within us that are from generations and generations before us and they’re encoded in our DNA. The problem is that these beliefs are ‘limiting’ so they’re currently stopping you from doing or having something that you truly desire and can muddle your efforts to tap into your divine purpose.

If you continue to project your old, limiting beliefs onto your life, you invite people, situations, and interactions that match these beliefs.

While you didn’t create these beliefs, they are your responsibility to deal with once you become an adult. If you want to create the life you want, you have to learn how to create your life from intention–not from any pre-programmed beliefs.

Limiting beliefs can show up in any area of our lives, not just in the area of relationships and love. Anywhere you feel like you’re not achieving what you want or can’t seem to make forward progress most likely stems from an underlying limiting belief.

The good news is beliefs are super malleable, so you can change them and move beyond them.

Several different schools of thought exist about how to best shift your limiting beliefs, but this model is one most people agree on:

Belief → Thought → Action → Result

This means that each limiting belief in your life has an accompanying thought. And in order for you to shift the thought so you create a different behavior (and therefore a different action and result), you need to identify the thoughts that make up the beliefs.

You’ll need to change these thoughts both cognitively and behaviorally. When you change your thinking, then it’s easier to change your behavior.

Limiting beliefs are often incredibly hard to identify because they exist as habitual programs running in our subconscious minds. However, they will always leave traces that show up in our physical worlds.

How to Work With the Energy of the Dark Moon to Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs About Relationships

During the Dark Moon phase of the Moon’s monthly lunar cycle, follow these six steps to identify and clear any limiting beliefs about relationships and love that are currently getting in your way of your ability to attract the relationships and love that you actually want:

1. Think of any relationships (or lack of relationships) that you’re currently not satisfied with. What feels stuck or stagnant? Where have you been unable to make progress despite your best efforts?

2. What are your beliefs about why you seem to be blocked in this area? Are these beliefs helping you or are they limiting you in some way? Whatever limiting beliefs you uncover, write them down.

3. For each one, think of the OTHER possibilities that can happen if you choose not to believe this limiting belief. Then, for each one, ask yourself: “Am I willing to see this differently?”

4. Re-write your limiting beliefs as more empowering beliefs/affirmations. If you’re having trouble coming up with more empowering beliefs, think about a belief that is more aligned with what you want.

5. Keep these empowering beliefs/affirmations in a notebook, journal, or on the Notes app of your phone. Review them daily. It’s also important to know that you can’t just say an affirmation over and over to make changes. Every time you read your affirmation you also must FEEL it as if it’s already real. For each new belief, visualize what it would truly feel like for the new belief to be real. Imagine yourself in different scenarios and flood yourself with positive feelings as you visualize. Keep reciting your new beliefs as affirmations daily but also start acting as if your new beliefs are true. For real change to occur, you need to believe 100% in your soul that your new beliefs are true.

6. While these new affirmations will help, to get them to really work you also have to work on changing your behavior. Reciting your affirmations along with acting the role will help move the change process along.

What to Do If You Can’t Identify Any Limiting Beliefs About Relationships

Very often, it is difficult for people to figure out what beliefs are actually causing negative consequences in their lives. Since your subconscious has likely been running the same programs in the background for your entire life, they are often very difficult to recognize and acknowledge.

So, if you’re finding this difficult, during the Dark Moon phase, instead of trying to figure out what your existing limiting beliefs are that are in the way of you calling in the kind of relationships and love that you actually want, you can ask yourself: “What do I need to BELIEVE and THINK to get the result that I actually want?”

Then, line up your beliefs, thoughts, and actions with the result that you want.

Belief → Thought → Action → Result

For example, when I was trying to find my perfect partner, other than knowing that I definitely needed to change my belief that I was a loser, I had a really hard time figuring out the other beliefs that were holding me back from getting what I wanted in the area of love. My limiting beliefs in this area were just too ingrained in my subconscious brain for me to be aware of them.

Instead, it was much easier for me to program my subconscious mind with thoughts and beliefs that I knew would lead to me attracting the partner and the love that I wanted. These included beliefs about being loveable and enough as I was to attract the perfect partner (even though I was over 40 and not thin), believing I deserved to attract the partner with all the qualities I wanted, believing that someone available existed and had all of the qualities I wanted, believing that it wasn’t my job to fix my partner, believing I deserved to be treated well and loved unconditionally, etc. Then I started acting like I believed all of those things on a daily basis.


To identify and clear any limiting beliefs about relationships and love during the Dark Moon phase of the Moon’s monthly cycle, follow these steps:

1. Think of any relationships (or lack of relationships) in your life that are stagnant or that you’re unhappy with

2. Uncover the beliefs you hold about why you’re blocked in these areas and whether those beliefs are helping you or limiting you in some way

3. Ask yourself if you’re willing to see things differently

4. Re-write any limiting beliefs you uncover as more empowering beliefs/affirmations

5. Review these empowering beliefs/affirmations daily, visualizing and feeling into them and believing they’re true

6. Act as you would if you believed they were true

7. If you have trouble identifying your limiting beliefs, figure out what beliefs and thoughts you need to change and then hold onto to get the results you want

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Hi, I'm Nicole!

🌟 I'm a psychologist, teacher, Human Design coach and educational consultant. 20+ years working with kids and adults in public and private settings and Ph.D.-trained. Lover of Christmas, the beach, and experiments. 3/5 Emotional Manifesting Generator. 🌟


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